Contour & Detail (C&D) Surveys
Why is this the smart first step?
While it may be tempting to try to save money by obtaining existing site information from eBimap, measuring off fences or guesstimating, this is often false economy. A C&D survey will help to mitigate risk, since you and your team will be making decisions and designing, based on reliable spatial data. The process should also be more efficient, thus saving you time and money.
What’s included?
This survey provides a wealth of information required by your design professionals to prepare any necessary council applications and the detailed design drawings for your project. A full C&D survey will include:
- Parcel plot
- Existing contours, spot levels & TBM’s in Australian Height Datum (AHD)
- Existing features (road, driveway, building footprints, roof-lines, steps, walls, fences, etc)
- BCC City Plan 2014 “Ground Level”
- This information is provided in Autocad (dwg) & pdf formats
We specialise in this type of survey and ours “tick all the boxes”. Over the last 3 years we have successfully delivered hundreds of them and are often told by design professionals that ours are the best they have worked with.
Set-Out for Construction
Q Spatial has provided construction surveying for a wide variety of projects from residential renos and new builds to 9 storey unit block developments. We have also worked on the construction and redevelopment of commercial buildings, industrial warehouses , port and airport facilities.
As-Constructed Survey
After construction Q Spatial can provide a record of the as-constructed position and height, for services, ground shape, buildings and other improvements.
Certification Surveys
We are able to provide as-constructed height certification and can also arrange for set-out and as-constructed position certification.
Existing Services Traced & Located
Typically, visible services (eg Elec Poles, O/H Wires, Pits, Manholes, etc) are located as part of the C&D survey, however Q Spatial can arrange for all services to be traced and painted by a Service Location Specialist. We will then locate these features, with attribute data (eg pipe size, type, invert level, etc) and include them in the C&D survey drawing.
BCC City Plan 2014 “Ground Level”
The definition for this surface has changed a number of times over the years and is what must be used for height certification. It is prudent for it to be determined by a registered surveyor, before the design commences – typically as part of the C&D survey. It is usually not the same as the current ground level and may vary significantly.
Flood Level / Minimum Habitable Height Survey
Approval conditions may set a Minimum Habitable level for certain parts of the building being constructed. We are able to provide Temporary Bench Marks (TBM’s) for the builder, to ensure this level is achieved and certification at the end.